The future of digital asset infrastructure.
Fueling the digital ecosystem.
About Zero Two
Welcome to the future of digital asset infrastructure. Here we explore, develop, invest in, and operate the best-in-class technologies to accelerate and support the digital asset and web3 ecosystem. Zero Two has entered the digital asset space, and this is just the beginning.
Developing digital asset infrastructure in Abu Dhabi block by block.
Launched in 2022 with a singular, bold vision. We would become the regional and global leader in digital infrastructure development, focused on supporting the resiliency of Abu Dhabi’s power grid as the nation progresses on its Net Zero Journey.
Leaning on the UAE’s progressive approach to digital asset adoption and enablement, we set about establishing the foundations and forging partnerships to develop world-class digital asset infrastructure in Abu Dhabi.

Sustainable operations
We are committed to sustainable operations as we care about our impact on Abu Dhabi and the global environment, and we believe sustainable operations deliver economic outperformance in the long term. We also believe that digital asset infrastructure plays an important role in the sustainability of the Power Sector.